Home WinALDL

WinALDL screenshots

Functionallity of the program

At the top of the program you have three buttons. One opens the data logging dialog, one opens the configuration dialog and the last is the EXIT button. These are allways visable. The main part of the program is used to display engine data. Click on the tabs to select what data to dispaly.


The program is configured using a configuration dialog.

All configuration changes takes imideate effect exept for the com port.
The configuration is stored and remebered next time WinALDL is started.
If the com port is changed the program must be restarted.

Data logging

This is the data logging dialog. You can select what data you want to log. The only limit for how long you can log is the available disk space.

RAW Data

This tab shows a grid with raw ALDL data in decimal form. The data is scrolled from left to right as new data are read.

Flag Data

This tab shows a lot of check boxes that indicate if flag data are true or false. Here you can see what mode the ECM is operating in. You can also see the staus of digital input and digital output.

Sensor Data

This tab shows analog engine data. Both raw values and convered. At the bottom you also have a spin button that is used to select one of three modes of operation. Latest values, Max values or Min values. You also have a clear button to clear Max / Min values.

Error codes

Here you see all error codes. Check boxes are used to indicate if the error code is set or not.

BLM, INT and O2

These thee tabs all look the same. It is a grid with RPM and MAP axes. When the program is started all cells are emply. As you run the engine and the engine operating point travels over the chart the cells will start to populate with engine data. O2 will start to populate right away, but INT and BLM starts when the engine is in closed loop. At the bottom you have one button to clear the table to start over and one button to save the current table values. The table will be stored in 'My documents' directory, and a dialog box will tell you exact location and name of the file. At the bottom you also have a spin button that is used to select one of four modes of operation:

Narrow Latest - Discard all data that is not close to the axes values. Show latest data in each cell.
Narrow Avg - Discard all data that is not close to the axes values. Show averaged data in each cell.
Narrow # Sapmles - No of samples in each cell in the 'Narrow Avg' selection.
Narrow Avg 10 - Average of the 10 latest samples.
Narrow Std. Dev. 10 - Standard deviaton for the 10 latest samples.
Wide Latest - Do not discard any data. Show latest data in each cell.
Wide Avg - Do not discard any data. Show averaged data in each cell.
Wide # Samples - No of samples in each cell in the 'Wide Avg' selection.
Wide Avg 10 - Average of the 10 latest samples.
Wide Std. Dev. 10 - Standard deviaton for the 10 latest samples.

When you save INT / BLM data the file will have two additional tables:

Narrow Correction 10 - Correction factors for the EPROM table based on the values in the 'Narrow Avg 10'. Multiply the cell you want to change in the EPROM with the value in the corresponding 'Narrow Correction 10' cell. The value in the 'Narrow Std. Dev. 10' table is used to see if the data in that cell is good enough to use for a new calibration or not.
Wide Correction 10 - Correction factors for the EPROM table based on the values in the 'Wide Avg 10'. Multiply the cell you want to change in the EPROM with the value in the corresponding 'Wide Correction 10' cell. The value in the 'Wide Std. Dev. 10' table is used to see if the data in that cell is good enough to use for a new calibration or not.

Spark Counts

This is a grid with RPM and MAP axes. When the program is started all cells are emply. Whenever an engine knock is detected the value in the cell with that engine operating point will increase with one. This is used to detect areas where the engine has a lot of knocks. At the bottom you have one button to clear the table to start over and one button to save the current table values. The table will be stored in 'My documents' directory, and a dialog box will tell you exact location and name of the file.

e-mail winaldl@joby.se